Term 4 Writing

Term 4 


Student reflection of an author:
A good author, uses finger spaces and capital letters at the start of a name and sentences. They also use full stops at the end of sentences.

Term 4 Discovery

Term 4 


We are learning to engage in positive relationships with others.  
We focus on developing the following key competencies:

Relating to others
Using language, symbols and text
Managing self
Participating and contributing 

Student reflection from a Discovery session: 

“ In Discovery, I went to the garden and dug out all the weeds and I watered the garden and looked after the strawberries and the vegetables.”

Term 3 Maths

Term 3 

We are learning to: Measure and weight materials and pour liquids from and into containers.

Success Criteria: We made our own healthy smoothy and fruit salad by cutting, measuring and weighing our fruit.

Term 3 Reading


Teacher question: 

What do good readers do?

Student’s response:

A good reader looks carefully at the words and use their voice to make their reading interesting.  They ask themselves if what they have read makes sense.

Term 4 Dance

Term 4 


Success Criteria:
I can participate, follow instructions, move independently and in time to the music.

 Click on the link below  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SmThM9NDGA

Term 4 Music

Term 4


We are learning to: recognise different sections of music and respond through singing, moving, playing and creating. 

To be successful we need to:
  • Listen carefully to the music
  • Move as directed by the words in the song
  • Sing as we move

Click on the link below:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgQ1_GEC8ZM

Term 3 Gymnastics

Term 3


Success Criteria:
To perform two different kinds of rolls (pencil and hedgehog) correctly.

Next Step:
To learn more advanced rolls like the elephant and circle roll.

Student Voice:
It was hard to keep my legs together, when I am doing the roll. 

Term 3 Te Reo Maori

Term 3 
Te Reo Māori 
My Mihi

We are learning to:
Introduce ourselves in Te Reo Māori.
Communicate personal information, such as 
our name, parents' and grandparents' names and 
home town in Te Reo Māori.

To be successful we need to:
Speak clearly and fluently.
Use short simple sentences of Te Reo Māori 
to communicate personal information.

Term 2 Integrated Topic

Term 2 Integrated Topic: Change is part of life
I am learning to... 
  • express my understanding of Change
  • explain how a plant change

Success Criteria
  • I can express my understanding of change
  • I can sequencing how a seed changes into a plant

Teacher instruction: Use play dough or crayons to create a picture or make something to show me what you know about change.  

Teacher question: What have you made to show me what you know about change.

  • At the beginning (before teaching):

Student reflection
  •  Then - I thought . . .
    I made a snowman and it was a snowy day.  I made it by myself and the sun came out on melted it and it change. I made a new snowman on the other snowy day.

Student reflection
  •  Now - I know . . .  
    It is about a baby bear changing into a huge big bear. Two brother want to actually watch how the bear is changing. The little brother wants his mother.

  • At the end:

Term 2 Writing

(Without any help.)

(With help and heaps of encouragement.)

Term 2 Writing

Writing Learning Intentions:

Before I start writing
  •  I can use my picture to share what I am going to write about (Writing Objective)
During writing
  •  I can use my iPod to scan QR Codes to obtain tricky describing words to enhance and describe my story. 
  • I can explain what I need to do if I get stuck with choosing the best describing word for my story. 
After writing 
  •  I can share my story with my buddy.  
  •  I ask my buddy if my describing word matches my picture.
  •  I shared my story with my buddy.
Success Criteria:  

I will know I have done this when I 
  •  draw a detailed picture plan
  •  use some adjectives to described my picture
  • use my iPod to scan QR Codes to obtain describing words.

Teacher Comment:  

I like the way you story created a picture in my mind.
I like the way your words match your picture.

Term 2 Maths Statistics

This term we are learning to:
  • sort objects into categories for display
  • present information on pictograph
  • make a display of the data collected
  • make statements about data displays

Success Criteria:
  • data will be sorted and displayed in a pictograph 
  • make a statement about my pictograph

Student reflection:

If you look at your graph, what can you tell me about it?

There are 3 happy kids and 3 sad kids after the earthquake.  There are 5 kids tired, 2 surprised kids and 6 angry kids after the earthquake. The angry kids are the most because there are 6 kids.  I forgot the rest.

Term 1 Integrated Topic

Term 1 Integrated Topic: Conflict is part of life
I am learning to... 
express my understanding of Conflict

Teacher instruction: With this play dough, make something to show me what you know about conflict.  Teacher question: What have you made to show me what you know about conflict.

  • At the beginning (before teaching):

Student reflection
  • Then - I thought . . .
It is grandma Jenny in England where I came from and I miss her.
  • At the end:

Student reflection
  • Now - I know . . .

My picture is about somebody who is actually mean to others and is kicking and punching others.

Term 1 Writing

Term 1 Writing

Writing Learning Intentions:

Before I start writing
  •  I can use my picture to share what I am going to write about (Writing Object)
During writing
  •  I can explain what I need to do if I get stuck with choosing the best describing word for my story 
After writing 
  •  I can share my story with my buddy.  
  •  I ask my buddy if my describing word matches my picture.
  •  I shared my story with my buddy.
Success Criteria:  

I will know I have done this when I 
  •  draw a detailed picture plan
  •  use some adjectives to described my picture

Teacher Comment:  

I like the way you story created a picture in my mind.

Term 1 Art Attack

Term 1 Art Attack

I am learning to
  • create a self-portrait
  • talk about my own art work and artwork created by others

Success Criteria
  • To create a portrait where my facial features are the right size and shape and are drawn in the right place on my face.

Next step
  • All facial features are in proportion and correctly placed.